Texas Office: 512-298-7796

Colorado Office: 720-940-0106

Water Slide Waxing / Polishing

The Slide Experts can easily assess your slides and give an appropriate solution to the issues it may or may not have. Often times we find that a slides surface is sill good, but it’s appearance has faded. In some cases, looks can be deceiving and a gel coat may not be necessary. The reason this happens is because highly mineralized water and pools with high calcium and chlorine levels leave deposits that can not be removed with normal everyday maintenance.
These deposits can make it seem as if the color of your slides are fading, when in reality, the deposits are covering up the color. A wax and polish is a simple solution to improve the appearance of a slide. Although a gel coat can be a great investment to extend the life of your slides it can be twice the cost of a wax and polish.
If we remove the mineral deposits, buff the surface, wax and polish it; there is a good chance your slide will be bright and shiny again. With this method you will see a noticeable difference in your slides and wallet.
If you are debating between gel coating and wax and polish you don’t have to make the decision right away. We will remove all of the grit, grime and mineral deposits so you can see what your slide looks like underneath. Once you see the true state of your slide you can then decide which route you would like to take.